How to estimate the value of your e-commerce sales?
[Case study — Grocery Canada] Online sales are now a permanent part of grocery sales. They contribute to the growth of your total market share.
A return to clear online sales figures
Post-pandemic, online purchases fell for a year. This landing followed 2 years of artificial shift of shop sales, due to shop closures, bans on mobility and the need to stock up regularly, particularly for fresh food.
The grocery categories will see the biggest shift to online sales in 2020 and 2021 in the United States, with online sales rising by 103% (source: Forbes). These variations are similar in Canada, where they often reflect “ almost no online sales “ to “ online purchases “. Many grocery retailers had not seen the need to expand online before the pandemic. Nor had web customer demand been expressed across the breadth of the territory.
In Canada, 2022 was a year in which online sales began to slow down in February (remember, the requirement to show a vaccination passport in a shop was not waived until 16 February 2022 in Quebec).
Since March 2023, we have been returning to year-on-year sales growth metrics, which reflect the real ‘health’ of the banners. A significant “Same Store Sales” indicator can be found in physical shops as well as online.